Natural Body Sugaring

Natural body sugaring is an ancient hair removal technique that offers a host of benefits for those seeking a gentle and effective method of hair removal. With its roots in traditional practices, this approach harnesses the power of nature to provide a natural alternative to conventional hair removal methods.

The foundation of natural body sugaring lies in its simple and pure ingredients. Typically consisting of sugar, lemon, and water, this vegan and natural formulation ensures that no harmful chemicals or synthetic additives come into contact with your skin. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals with sensitive skin or those looking to avoid potentially irritating substances.

Additionally, natural body sugaring is known for its exfoliating properties. As the sugar paste is gently massaged onto the skin, it helps to remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. This exfoliation promotes a healthier complexion and can contribute to smoother, more radiant skin over time.

Another significant advantage of natural body sugaring is its suitability for all skin types and body areas. Whether you're looking to remove hair from delicate areas such as the bikini line or underarms, or larger areas like the legs or back, sugaring can be applied to virtually any part of the body. Its versatility and effectiveness make it a popular choice for both men and women.


Before & Aftercare

To ensure your skin is cared for properly, it is essential that you follow the guidelines below.


  • Please shower before your appointment and arrive clean, wipes will be provided for you to freshen up prior to your treatment.
  • Gently exfoliate and moisturise two days prior to your treatment to remove any dead skin cells.
  • Do not shave for at least 3-4 weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Make sure that your hair is the correct length, ¼ inch (imagine a grain of rice).
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine prior to your treatment.


  • Keep the sugared area clean and avoid the following for the next 24-48 hours.
  • Hot baths and showers.
  • Peels and heat treatments including saunas, hot tubs, sun bathing and sun beds.
  • Applying perfumed products, make up or deodorant to the treated area.
  • Sports including swimming and any other vigorous exercise.
  • Sexual activity (intimate area only).
  • Tight clothing as this can cause ingrown hairs.
  • Exfoliate three times a week and moisturise every day.
  • Do not shave between appointments.

You may experience some redness or bumps in the skin, this is a normal common reaction. This usually subsides within 24-48 hours, if systems persist, please contact your therapist. To avoid this and help to get the best results from your sugaring, we recommend using selected homecare products from Outback Organics, please ask your therapist for more information.

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