Upper Body £145.00
(Includes Back, Shoulders, Neck, Chest, Abs, Stomach, Arms & Underarms, hot and strip wax will be used)*

Back Butt Strip & Buttocks £85.00
(Hair will be removed from the butt strip and buttocks, (hot and strip wax will be used).

Male Torso Wax £77.00
(Includes the upper and lower back, shoulders, the tops of the arms (cap t-shirt length) as well as the chest and abs. Strip and hot wax will be used).

Back and Chest Wax £68.00
(Hair is removed from the upper and lower back and the chest only, hot and strip wax will be used).

Back, Shoulder, Neck, Half Arm £70.00

Chest, Abs & Stomach £44.00

For Individual Treatments, please see below

Upper body

Under Arm (Hot Wax) £16.00

Lower Arm & Hand Wax £33.00
(removes hair from elbow to hands)

Half Arm Upper £25.00
(removes hair from elbow to shoulders)

Full Arm £44.00
(removes hair from shoulders to wrists, including hands)

Neck (Hot Wax) £20.00

Neck & Shoulders £27.00

Lower Back £20.00

Full Back £40.00
(removes hair from lower and upper back including shoulders, excludes neck)

Full Back & Neck £45.00
(removes hair from upper and lower back includes neck & shoulders)

Abdomen Line £20.00
(removes hair from belly button to pubic mound)

Stomach & Abs 27.50
(excludes chest)

Chest £33.00
(removes hair from upper chest, neck and front of shoulders, down to pecs)

Intimate Waxing

(Carried out with Hot Wax, excluding the buttocks where Strip Wax is used)

Speedo Line £20.00

Butt Strip £25.00

Buttocks £30.00

Butt Strip and Buttocks £45.00

Lower Body

Half Leg Lower £38.00
(removes hair from knee to ankle, includes feet if required)

Half Leg Upper £38.00
(removes hair from knee to thigh, excludes speedo line)

Full Leg £66.00
(removes hair from ankle to thing, includes feet if required)

Full Leg and Speedo Line £85.00
(removes hair from ankle to thing, includes speedo line & feet if required)




Front Torso Sugar £75.00
(removes hair from top of pubic mound to neck and shoulders, excludes arms)

Full Leg & Speedo £100.00
(Removes hair from full leg and speedo line, includes feet if required)

Full Back, Butt Strip & Butt Cheeks £130.00
(Includes full back, neck, butt strip and butt cheeks)

Upper Body Sugar £200.00
(Includes full back, front torso, full arms including hands and under arms)

For Individual Treatments, please see below


Neck Sugar £20.00

Neck & Shoulders Sugar £35.00

Lower Back Sugar £40.00
(From trouser line to shoulders, excludes butt cheeks)

Back Sugar £70.00
(Removes hair from trouser line to shoulders, excludes neck)

Full Back & Neck Sugar £80.00
(Removes hair from trouser line to shoulders, including the neck)

Abdomen Sugar £40.00
(removes hair from stomach to pecs)

Chest Sugar £40.00
(Removes hair from chest and pecs, excludes stomach)

Under Arm Sugar £20.00

Lower Arm Sugar £40.00
(Removes hair from elbows to wrist includes hands if required)

Upper Arm Sugar £35.00
(Removes hair from elbows to Shoulders)

Full Arm Sugar £65.00
(Removes hair from shoulders to wrist includes hands if required)


Lower Leg Sugar £50.00
(Removes hair from knee to ankle, includes feet if required)

Upper Leg Sugar £45.00
(Removes hair from knee to thigh, excludes speedo line)

Full Leg Sugar £90.00
(Removes hair from ankle to thigh including feet if required, excludes speedo line)


Speedo Line £30.00
(Removes hair from speedo line)

Butt Strip Sugar £30.00
(Removes hair from Butt Strip only)

Butt Cheeks Sugar £45.00
(Removes hair from Butt Cheeks only)

Butt Strip & Butt Cheeks Sugar £65.00
(Removes hair from butt strip & butt cheeks)